When it comes to skin care, tomatoes are one of THE most effective remedies for a clear and clean skin.  

Why use Tomato Soap?

  • Tomatoes are loaded with several skin friendly vitamins which help boosting our complexion. It contains vitamin A, B as well as C, and all these vitamins are known for skin lightening benefits. Vitamin A helps in in boosting skin cell regeneration, which in turn, lightens the appearance of blemishes and acne scars.
  • Tomatoes are acidic in nature, which make it a great exfoliator for our skin. Citric acid in tomato helps in removing the dead skin cells and other impurities from the top skin layer that can otherwise cause skin darkening.
  • Aging is a factor that can cause skin discoloration and Vitamin B helps reversing the damages caused by aging. It helps in smoothening wrinkles, fine lines and also boosts new cell production, to make the skin smooth and even toned.
  • Vitamin C also boosts collagen production in the skin and helps to fade away marks and scars. Vitamin C further contributes to skin lightening by reducing the melanin production in our skin. It also boosts cell regeneration that further helps improving our complexion.
  • Dry skin looks dark and dull. Tomatoes contain calcium and potassium and both these minerals help healing dry skin by providing moisturization and hydration. Magnesium present in tomatoes can give us naturally glowing skin.
  • Sun damage also darkens our skin tone. Tomatoes contain lycopene, an anti oxidant that provides protection against the UV rays, thus preventing skin darkening. Tomato juice has anti inflammatory benefits that help calming down irritated and sun damaged skin.
  • Tomatoes can boost oxygen supply to the skin cells, which provide superior nourishment to the cells, rejuvenate them and brighten the skin tone. Also, it contains salicylic acid which helps with exfoliating to boost our complexion further.
  • According to skin experts, the key to maintain healthy and glowing skin is to balance the pH level of the skin. Tomatoes help to maintain the pH balance of the skin and restore healthy, even toned skin.
  • Excess oil build up on the skin makes our face look dark. Being astringent in nature, tomato juice helps absorbing the excess oil and freshens up the skin to make it look bright.


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Nicha Mcfarlane

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