Body butters are a richer and more nourishing alternative to body moisturiser. They’re a must-have item for any bathroom shelf, especially if you’re looking to keep your skin hydrated and glowing.

In the JUSTBLiSS Soap Collection of body butters you’ll find Rooibos Tea (hydrous base) as well as Whipped body butters (anhydrous base). It’s safe to say we’re quite the fan of body butters…

So, as self-proclaimed Body Butter addicts, we’re here to tell you everything you need to know about Body Butter including how to use body butter and our top tips for getting the most out of your body butters…

What Is Body Butter?

Body butter is a skin moisturiser that typically contains shea butter, coconut oil and/or other vegetable-based oils and butters. Body Butter is most notable for being thicker than body lotions and moisturisers which is why you’re more likely to find body butters in a jar than a bottle so you can easily scoop out your desired amount of body cream.

Body butters are also known to be more effective at nourishing and rejuvenating dry skin, whether used all over or only on problem patches, such as elbows and knees.

How Do You Use Body Butter?

The best way to use body butter is to apply it after your daily shower or bath. Once you’ve enjoyed your daily shower or bath, pat your body dry with a towel. As a top tip, leave a little moisturise on your skin and do not rub or dry your skin completely.

Then, apply a generous scoop of body butter directly to your skin and gently massage into skin using firm, broad strokes until full absorbed. Try to avoid using too much at once and remember you can always apply another layer on top if you feel like your skin needs extra moisturisation throughout the day.

When applying your body butter, pay special attention to your elbows, knees, hands and feet. These are all areas that are more prone to dryness meaning they will benefit greatly from a generous layer of body butter to really help nourish these problem areas.

Top Tips and Advice for Using Body Butter:

Lock in moisture by using body butter straight after your shower

You can use body butter at any time of day or night. But the best way to make sure you’re sealing in moisture is to use body butter within 5 minutes of showering.

Hot water can dry out your skin so make sure your water is running warm (…but not too warm!) then post-shower, massage your chosen hydrating body butter all over your skin to help lock in moisture.

If you have dry skin, it’s best to use body butter daily. Meanwhile, if you have normal or oily skin you may only need to use body butter every 2-3 days, as a weekly treatment or just to treat problematic dry patches.

Apply body butter before bed for an overnight moisture treatment

One of our favourite tips for making the most of your body butter is to apply it just before bed for an intensive overnight moisturising treatment.

When applying the body butter before bed, it’s best to only lightly massage the body butter into skin. This is because whilst you sleep, the rest of the body butter on your skin will have more time to work it’s magic and soak into our skin.

For an extra nourishing skincare treat, apply body butter liberally to your feet before putting on a pair of cosy socks and getting into bed for the night. Socks will help lock the moisture in, perfect for nourishing dry, tired feet.

If you find that your skin is more prone to dryness, our article on how to treat dry skin is filled with tips and advice to help you provide your skin with extra nourishment.

Lock in fragrance with a complementary body butter

One of our favourite things about body butter is that it is perfect for helping your perfume last all day long. If you want your favourite perfume to last longer, you’re going to need something to make it stick. The oils in body butter create the perfect base for your chosen perfume or body mist by giving the fragrance something to adhere to.

Choosing a body butter and body wash in a fragrance that matches your perfume of choice will seriously help those beautiful scents last all day.

You can find matching fragrance scents within both our collectiond so you can smell amazing from your morning shower right up until it’s time to unwind for the evening.

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