WHY SUPPORT LOCAL?  Through the eyes of a small business owner - JUSTBLiSS Naturals

WHY SUPPORT LOCAL? Through the eyes of a small business owner

You've hear it before, Support Local, Local is Lekker! But have you ever wondered how your support impacts small business owners, like us?


By now we have all heard the saying, Support Local and Local is Lekker but have you ever wondered why you should embrace this mindset? Perhaps owning big name-brands and imported wares is your thing, following the who’s who and trend setters from across the ocean. The truth is, it does nothing to support local artisans, creators and entrepreneurs whose survival weighs on local customers supporting them.


To understand the importance of why we need to support local, we first have to understand what actions conscious consumers can take. More customers are asking conscientious questions before investing in a product. You might be asking yourself, why these relevant questions? We are human beings and experience life through senses and feelings. Emotions play a large part of daily life choices connecting with your local business/ brands story influences our buying decisions.


  • How a product was made
We are curious by nature. Information shared on HOW a product was made gives us insight. In turn we make an informed decision on the quality of the product and its worthiness to invest in.
  • Where the materials & ingredients were sourced
Sourcing locally produced materials makes a difference. With it comes the fostering of community bonds and decreased energy required to produce materials of non-local origin
  • Is the packaging sustainable
Single use packaging is a nuisance, even so, packaging is large part of societies behaviour. Purposeful packaging is a subject I hold close to my heart and as a maker I believe the buck stops with us entrepreneurs, manufactures and producers to provide purposeful packaging. Creating a sustainable alternative in the way we package goods.
  • Who is the maker of these product?
Every small local business owner has a story to tell. It can be an appealing draw card for discerning customers. In a nutshell it’s the connection we have with entrepreneurs/ small business owners that will determine a sale.
Taking the leap from employed to self-employed is a huge step for most small business owners. Although I wasn't employed at that time, after we moved from Port Elizabeth, it was still an enormous step!! For those of you who had read the story of how it all started will know that JUSTBLiSS was born when I was at my personal lowest point in life, and made a deliberate decision to start using only natural products. The "birth" of JB started with conceptualising an idea, making that idea a tangible reality and from there on this little business grew into a local Bloemfontein/Free State business.
As small business owners we absolutely love love what we do, and by supporting us you support the uniqueness we offer. Through this we can continue to keep afloat, survive and ultimately thrive.

Personalised experience

When you shop local you get to meet the person behind the brand/business, this provides real human interactions. Speaking to the person who made the product, getting to know their story and HOW they made the product deeps your appreciation for the product you buy and enjoy. A human connection outweighs a robot encounter as well as any imported product connection you will ever encounter!

Shopping local = equals health

The more you buy locally grown produce the fresher it will be. Fresher meal ingredients mean a healthier lifestyle. Even if a you don’t have local farmers market nearby, supporting your local grocery store who purchase produce directly from famers in your community can positively impact your health and wellbeing. Furthermore, shopping for locally made products can be beneficial for your health too. A local purchase has not travelled thousands of miles to get to you. In turn this reduces its carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Community- based approach

Choosing to purchase from community-based businesses circulates wealth within your local economy. It also retains the quaint individual identity of that area. Sustaining vibrant town centres which accommodate the unique offerings that its bakers, boutiques, grocers and other small shop owners provide. Small business owners in turn employ members within their community, boosting development and strengthening relationships.

THINK LOCAL next time you reach for something on the shelf, or better yet seek out your local business or small business owner. Conscious adjustments like these play a HUGE part in the survival of small businesses. Who knows, you may even find some great products and services while helping to build a stronger and successful community around you! :)

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