Rosacea is a chronic condition that causes facial redness, flushing, and blushing. Although it's not life threatening, rosacea can be extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing. The good news is that natural treatments for rosacea are available; you just have to know where to look.

While there is no single rosacea cure, rosacea treatment may include specific skin care and dietary changes to reduce symptoms and flare ups. Rosacea natural treatment focuses on the importance of gastrointestinal health, correcting nutritional deficiencies, and following an appropriate skin care regime to heal acne and reduce inflammation and redness.


Rosacea causes

Rosacea is a skin condition that causes redness, pimples, and swelling in the face. It usually affects people between the ages of 30 and 50, but anyone can develop rosacea.

Rosacea most often affects people who have fair skin, blue eyes, and light coloured hair. It's especially common among people with freckles or a family history of the disorder. Rosacea can run in families and tends to be more common in men than women.

The cause of rosacea is unknown, but it may be related to blood vessels or inflammation of the capillaries that supply blood to your face. Rosacea often flares up after sun exposure or when you're stressed out or tired.

Rosacea can be caused by a number of factors, including sun exposure, allergies, stress, alcohol consumption, heat or cold exposure to the face, dry skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, medications such as birth control pills and steroids that dilate blood vessels (which can cause redness), hormone changes during pregnancy or menopause or family history of rosacea

Rosacea symptoms

Rosacea on face is the most common place to experience symptoms, with redness, enlarged capillaries and sometimes acne like pimples occurring in the central part of the face. Rosacea skin may feel hot and slightly tender, and may flare up for weeks or months at a time. Rosacea symptoms are often worsened during times of stress or with a high calorie, processed diet. More common in men, the rosacea nose may appear red and enlarged, giving it a bulbous appearance. Rosacea pictures on the internet will most likely bring up a range of red faces, with the skin on the nose and cheeks being the most effected. Around half of all rosacea suffers will also experience dryness or puffiness of the eyes.

Rosacea diet

Dietary changes can help.

The rosacea diet focuses on an anti inflammatory diet, rich in healthy fats, green vegetables and wholegrains, and low in refined sugars, processed foods and alcohol. Studies have shown that patients suffering from rosacea experience flare ups in symptoms after consuming sugary foods and drinks, white flour, processed meats, vegetable oil, fried foods and artificial sweeteners. Foods that are beneficial to the skin and will help to reduce inflammation and redness include flax seeds, nuts, avocado, green leafy vegetables, wholegrains such as brown rice, berries and of course plenty of filtered water. Gut health is also important for rosacea and acne treatment, with probiotic foods such as cultured natural yoghurt, kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut all aiding in a healthy gut microbiome. Adding probiotic and prebiotic supplements to your diet is highly recommended.

Avoiding spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine is also advisable as they can make symptoms worse. Also avoid dairy products such as milk or cheese, tomato sauce (if you're allergic), citrus fruits like oranges or grapefruits; their juices are also not recommended because they contain high acid levels which will irritate the skin further.

 Supplements and herbs

  • Vitamin C: It helps reduce redness and inflammation, plus it’s a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals.
  • Vitamin E: Another important antioxidant known for its anti aging properties, it also helps to heal rosacea scars.
  • Flaxseed oil: This one contains omega 3 fatty acids that are known to improve skin elasticity, making it an effective treatment for rosacea patients who suffer from loose skin due to aging.
  • Borage oil: Also rich in omega 6 fatty acids, borage oil is another great option if you want smoother and firmer skin without resorting to plastic surgery or fillers.
  • Rosehip oil: This type of plant extract is particularly effective at reducing wrinkles thanks to its high content of essential fatty acids like linoleic acid and alpha linolenic acid - both of which help restore collagen production in the dermis layer of the epidermis (the outermost layer), thereby improving elasticity so that your face looks younger than ever before!

Treating rosacea

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that can be treated with medication, lifestyle changes and alternative therapies.

Natural treatments include:

  • Drinking water
  • Avoiding alcohol and caffeine
  • Eating foods high in fibre and vitamins A, C and E
  • Using moisturisers containing aloe vera or tea tree oil

 Home remedies for rosacea

  • Use gentle cleanser

To avoid irritating your skin, use a non soap cleanser with a pH level that is close to the skin's natural balance (pH 5.5). This will help keep it healthy and hydrated, while also preventing bacteria from building up in the pores.

  • Use moisturiser

Since rosacea can cause redness on the face, applying a rosacea moisturiser product will help hydrate your skin and reduce symptoms of redness by keeping it soft and supple. Look for one that has glycolic acid or hyaluronic acid in its ingredients list - these are both proven to be helpful for rosacea sufferers' skin problems!

  • Avoid hot water when showering/bathing

Hot water tends to dry out our skin more than cold does; so if you have rosacea flare ups often, try using cooler temperatures instead of going straight into hot showers every day.

 ​Rosacea skin care

A regular rosacea facial by a beauty therapist may help to keep symptoms at bay, but using the correct skin care at home is also important. A good serum and even rosacea foundation  should contain natural calming and anti inflammatory ingredients, such as chamomile, calendula, aloe vera and rose. A Vitamin C serum used a few times a week may help to replenish the skin, while providing anti oxidants to combat skin damage. When it comes to a cleanser, choose a face wash that will not strip the skin of the natural protective oils. Natural skin care will be safer for you compared to commercial acne and rosacea products. 

Rosacea makeup

Rosacea is a skin condition that affects many people, and it can be hard to find the right makeup for rosacea. Luckily, there are some products that have been found to help with the symptoms of rosacea and make it easier for you to cover up the redness, bumps, and other symptoms of this condition.

The first step is finding the right foundation for your skin type. If you have oily skin, look for oil free & mattifying foundations. If you have dry skin, look for water based foundations with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid.

Next, add concealer under your eyes where there is redness from broken capillaries (tiny blood vessels). Finally, add a powder blush over top of the foundation so that it doesn't crease into fine lines around your nose or mouth when you smile; this helps keep makeup looking fresh all day long!


Alternative therapies for rosacea

While there's no cure for rosacea, alternative therapies can help you manage it. These include acupuncture, homeopathy, aromatherapy, massage therapy and yoga. If you're interested in one or more of these treatments (or any other complementary therapies), talk with your doctor before starting a new regimen.

Acupuncture: acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting needles into the skin at specific points on the body to relieve pain or treat illness. It's been shown to help with symptoms associated with rosacea, and it can also help with other health issues that may be related to the condition.

Meditation: meditation is an ancient practice that involves sitting quietly and focusing on one's breath and inner thoughts, which can have a calming effect on the mind and body. It's also been shown to reduce stress levels, which can be helpful for people who suffer from rosacea as well as those who don't but want a way to unwind after a long day at work or school or with family members!

Yoga: yoga involves physical movements performed in a series of postures called "asanas." These exercises are meant to strengthen muscles while increasing flexibility and improving posture overall. They can also help you focus more deeply on your breathing than before so you're less likely to notice any discomfort caused by rosacea flare ups during exercise sessions (or daily routines).


There are a number of natural treatments that can help you control your symptoms and soothe your skin

While rosacea isn't contagious and it's not life threatening, it can be extremely uncomfortable to deal with. Natural treatments for rosacea can help soothe your skin by reducing inflammation and controlling the symptoms of the condition. Natural remedies like tea tree oil or green tea extract can also reduce bacteria on the surface of your skin that causes flare ups. As rosacea can be triggered by sun, it is important that you use a sunscreen when spending time outdoors. Rosacea sunscreen is designed specifically for people who have sensitive skin and are prone to rosacea. It's made with natural ingredients that won't irritate your skin or make it redder.


While there is no cure for rosacea, there are many ways to manage and treat your symptoms. If you have rosacea, it’s important to be aware of what triggers may cause flare ups in order to avoid them as much as possible. Dietary changes also play a role in managing this condition because certain foods can worsen or improve symptoms depending on what they contain. For example, spicy foods may trigger flare ups while applesauce contains antioxidants which can soothe irritation on the skin.

Laser treatment for rosacea is effective at reducing or removing red skin due to capillaries, however, it does not necessarily stop rosacea all together, which is why addressing skin care, diet and stress management are paramount in reducing rosacea long term.

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