So what is Rosehip Oil?

This delicate and valuable oil is cold-pressed from the seeds inside wild rose hips (or haws) - specifically either Rosa canina (commonly called the dog rose) or Rosa rubiginosa/mosqueta (sweetbriar rose), which are hardy and shrubby plant species.

A hip is the 'fruit' that remains after roses bloom and the petals fall away. You might notice these vibrantly colored hips on rose bushes in late fall or winter, when their color stands out after most leaves have died off for the year. Within each hip are several small seeds.

Rosehip life cycle

Image from: New Directions Aromatics

What does cold-pressed mean?

Cold-pressed refers to how an oil is extracted from plant material. It means no heat or chemicals are used in the process, which keeps the delicate oil structure damage-free.

The oil that results from this pressing process of the seeds is naturally light amber to reddish orange. A beautiful, vibrant color. 

Does it smell like roses?

Most of us think of a distinct floral fragrance when we hear the word “rose.” Both rose essential oil and rose hydrosol (floral water) are made from the petals of the blooms, which is where those particular aromatic compounds are in the plant. And they smell as we expect - like roses.

But the seeds from the hips, and the oil pressed from them, contain different compounds and oils than the petals. Rosehip seed oil has a fresh, nutty aroma - I usually think of it as having a bit of a soft tang, for lack of a better word. It's subtle and lovely. But it definitely doesn't smell like a typical rose flower. 

 Dog rose bush

What areas of the world does it come from?

Rosa canina (dog-rose): Native to various world regions including Asia and Southern Africa. Harvested primarily in South Africa.

Rosa rubiginosa or Rosa mosqueta (sweet briar rose): Native to the Southern Andes region of South America. Harvested primarily in Chile.

How long has it been used?

It’s thought that ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Native Americans - all of whom used plant oils to nourish and heal the skin - used it thousands of years ago for the same reasons we’re using it today: to help regenerate and hydrate the skin, lessen wrinkles, and smooth out discoloration. 

There’s also a long history of culinary and medicinal use of this oil too. Fun fact: Rose hips have 10 times more vitamin C than an equal amount of raw oranges! That’s some nutrient star-power.

What are the benefits of using this oil in natural skincare?

Because of it's valuable botanical properties, rosehip seed oil is perfect for skin formulations. It's often been referred to as the Oil of Youth, but I like to think it's better named 'Oil of Vibrant, Healthy Skin.' 

  • Sinks in quickly to the deeper layers of the skin. When you try this oil on your skin, you'll notice immediately how light and thin it is. It's sometimes called a “dry oil” because it quickly absorbs into your skin without leaving a greasy coating or film behind.

  • Functions as a protector. Because of its high vitamin C content, rosehip seed oil functions as a protector. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps with collagen and connective tissue formation and helps guard your immune system. 

  • Helps regenerate cells. Thanks to its omega 3, omega 6, and retinoic acid content, rosehip seed oil also helps regenerate skin cells and helps lighten and soften scars. And it’s rich in vitamin A, which boosts immune function, reproduction, red blood cell formation, and skin and bone formation.

  • Softens fine lines. I love this oil for the way it softens the skin. Used over time, it can help smooth out discoloration and ease healing of scars, scrapes, and burns.

  • Gentle and non-irritating. Used topically, it's safe for use on nearly all skin types. Including both oily and dry skin (it helps balance oil production), sensitive skin, and scarred or damaged skin. 


Which JUSTBLiSS Naturals' formulas feature rosehips?

The only product where we have been using this oil is in our Miracle Facial Oil.

How will you add Rosehip Seed Oil to your skincare rituals?

Whatever ways you explore and enjoy rosehip seed oil, I hope you feel all the ancient wisdom and beneficial qualities that come in each drop. 


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